About Us

Welcome to Lavish Style Online.  We offer our customers a variety of luxurious quality fashion items that are comfortable, stylish, and fun yet budget friendly.  We offer all of this while providing excellent customer service and friendly support.  Every item you purchase from Lavish Style we support mental health by donating $3.00 to the charity of your choice or all three.

Every time I wear these shoes, I get compliments and asked where can I purchase them?  This was the beginning of Lavish Style Online. You will love everything about them, they are stylish, comfortable, easy to slip on, durable, versatile and a bit fun and edgy.   Now we always keep an eye on the latest trends focused on shoes, handbags and sunglasses fashion and put our customers wishes first.  The interests of our customers are always top priority for us.  We hope you will enjoy our products as much as we enjoy making them available to you.